We’ll work with you to make mathematical argumentation happen in your classroom, school, and district. We offer Bridging PD in a number of configurations—all meeting recommendations from research on time, content, and format for professional development.
Please contact us for customized programs, information on prices, credit options, and possibilities for joining together with other teachers, schools, or districts.
Menu of PD Services
A half-day session (face to face or online) in which administrators learn
- What math argumentation is
- How it complements argumentation in other subjects
- How it includes other math practices.
- Informational and hands-on, this session can inform choice of the options below.
Introduction to mathematical argumentation for administrators:
3 hours
3 hours
3- or 4-day summer workshop on
- The four-part model of argumentation
- Teaching moves to use right away with your students
- How to use improv to establish norms of argumentation
- Curriculum that supports argumentation
Monthly 2-hour online sessions support
- Visualization planning
- Curriculum choice and adaptation
Mathematical argumentation for middle school—a year-long PD experience for teachers (multi-year offerings available): 21-27 hours
1 day face-to-face kickoff includes
- The four-part model of argumentation
- How to use improv to establish norms of argumentation
Twice-a-month 1-hour online sessions with homework to be completed between sessions.
- Each session is based on a reading and includes 15 minutes of lesson planning.
- Continued experiential learning includes more lesson planning and teaching those lessons.
Book study group — Mathematical Argumentation in Middle School: The What, Why, and How: 21 hours + 15 hours continued experiential learning
3- or 4-day summer workshop
- The four-part model of argumentation
- Teaching moves that teachers can use right away
- How to use improv to establish norms of argumentation
- Setting the stage for argumentation to happen in classrooms
Monthly 2-hour online sessions to support specialized coach-teacher activities, with a focus on
- curriculum choice
- visualization planning
Mathematical argumentation for coaches: 21-27 hours
Interested in learning more? Want to bring Bridging PD to your school or district?

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